Tuesday 16 December 2008

Who is playing god George?

In last week’s Nathaniel Manheru column in The Herald and in ZBC news bulletins, President Mugabe’s Spokesperson George Charamba lamented what he called the misrepresentation of President Mugabe’s, “Cholera has been arrested” speech while burying Manyika at the heroes acre. One can understand George’s frustrations of defending and spinning Mugabe’s words, at a time when it is increasingly difficult to do so. And it is clear George has run out of spin. The ZBC then went on to play and replay Mugabe’s heroes acre speech, which all confirmed what he had said that cholera had been dealt with. One feels pity for ZBC more so for Charamba for having to defend the undefendable, and if journalists went on to quote the President; it is because that is what he said, with his own mouth in front of thousands and in front of cameras. Charamba lamented that all he wishes for is objective reporting from the western media, not manipulation of facts or events. Well said. It is interesting noting that this is the same person who controls the state media, and who has, at no point asked the same media to be objective in their reporting or coverage of the so called enemies of the government. Charamba wants to be treated differently from the same standard of measurement that he applies on all others he perceives as his enemies. He has the guts after this, to threaten Zimbabwe journalists, playing god saying he is going to withdraw their accreditation, in other words he is going to cut their means of livelihood and they will suffer, because god Charamba did not like what they wrote. Contrary to what Manheru said, it is you then George who is playing god, it is you who has brought chaos in the Zimbabwe media by playing god and distorting the journalism field with your stubbornly one sided approach to work. The journalists that you now threaten have done nothing unexpected of them, they reported what the President said, you on the other hand, have interpreted what the President said, embellished it with your words seeking to change the meaning of what he said. You rightfully, as your job entails sought to defend your employer, that is all fine George but please stop playing god, stop pretending that all journalists in Zimbabwe belong to you and that there are puppets in your hands, who you manipulate to suit your desires. We hope after this and in your briefings with President Mugabe, you advise him honestly and openly about the situation in Zimbabwe. One can only conjecture that he is not aware since he lives in Zimbabwe but not with us and has never been aware of anything taking place in Zimbabwe, he does not suffer water, electricity shortages, he does not suffer from lack of medical attention, he does not buy with forex in our shops, he does not use commuter omnibuses, he relies on you George to know what Zimbabwe looks like. He only knows what court jesters tell him. And they tell what only amuses him about the greatness of his kingdom and how everyone is happy and love the king. I hope you advise him that cholera is still very much on the lose and taking hundreds of lives, while our hospitals are shut. It is you George who is playing god, not only with the lives of media workers, both private and state journalists who you threaten weekly, but dangerously playing god with our lives which are endangered everyday and many paying the price of your promotion of self serving interest. We only hope one day you will realise that you are, after all, only human like us.

1 comment:

  1. It is easy to sympathise with a press officer trying to correct a incorrect representations in the media generated by events such as speeches and other pronouncements. Unfortunately, the weakness with many officers has been to focus attention on individuals rather than the message. Why did Charamba choose to focus on individuals and news agencies instead of distributing the correct copy of his master's speech. Good speakers would normally indicate when they turn to sacarsm. Unfortunately for Mugabe, it's not easy to tell. Age is not on his side. Even though this is not an offence, his incapacity has played havoc with people's lives and this cannot be forgiven.
